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Results are in..Top (favorite) Study Abroad in SL

Hello, all you wonderful SL fans out there! :D

As many of you know, I conducted a small survey a while back regarding favorite study abrods in SL. Since SL is not only about Study Abroads (nothing else and hence why I'm losing my interest in the game, besides the fact that my gift center hasn't been working for months now!), I decided to do a small survey to see what my blog viewers thought their favorite study abroad was.  Total of 148 people voted (not bad) :D So here's the list

Coming to #1 (drum roll please........dadadadaddaaa): Fairytale Adventures (52 Votes)

Yes folks, fairytale adventure. We've grown up watching them, we still watch them (yes, I do!) and we also watch with our kids....AND WE ENJOY IT!!! (don't tell me you don't cuz you damn sure do! isn't it true!). Since we all love our beloved fairytale, we saw it go live in a study abroad in SL (hurry!, Playdom actually sometimes does listen to the people's voice on their forum...maybe they should listen, I mean respond,  to their support tickets too...). And who cares about real life cloths, not me!!!...I'd rather see my SL avatar with some faiytale clothss on :D
My fav item from the Fairytale Adventure:  though I never got it, the Evil Queen's hair (from Once Upon a Time) :D

#2: Paris (44 Votes)

Ah, Pairs, my favorite! The first ever Study Abroad in SL. It was soooo exciting. not only because it was Paris, but it was because Paris is the epitome of fashion, which after all is what SL is all about. We had an opportunity to go to a foreign land (virtually) and do our SL stuff there, with more options of cloths, BFs and glams.
My fav item from Paris:  I actually got this one :D hehe

#3: Bollywood: (25 votes)

Sadly, I didn't get to play this one since my damn Gift Center wasnt working. But I was super excited for this one. The vibrant colors of India, the traditional cloths and jewelry. All the glams were just plain beautiful. I just think they could've had some other boyfriends.

My fav item from Bollywood (India): all the bracelets and bangals :D I'm obsessed with bracelets and bangales. I wear them almost everyday to work, just not the vibrant and colorful ones as the glams in Bollywood.

Here's the snapshot of the actual poll :D
Happy SL-ing :)

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